Thursday, October 7, 2010

More Precious than Gold!

Possibly the Greatest Day of my life!!! :)

A Big Change! Thanks Jill for the pics you did an awesome job :)

My little sister is not lookin so little any more :/
You look gorgeous Cass!

On October 4th, 2010 I received something worth more than Gold... LETTERS!!! Finally after almost 7 weeks I got my first letters from Benetton since he entered the mission field. It was the greatest thing in the world. I had pretty much given up hope and had sworn off checking the mail ( mostly to save myself from getting a broken fist). Well my mom called me on Monday and said... Are you ready to have a good day?! Not knowing what the heck she was talking about I said...uh sure. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks... WAIT DID I GET A LETTER?! It was a total shock, but definitely a good one :) I was on my way to a group project at the time so I had to wait for three hours before I could read them. That was pretty much a killer. But it was good because it made it last longer, and honestly who knows when I am going to get another set of letters! There was a set of nine letters starting on Aug 26th and going to Sept 9th. So they were a month old, but it was so great to finally have something that was for me specifically. If those who are wondering what they said or how he is doing... Well he was doing good as of a month ago, and he still loves me :) So that was all really good to hear! I don't know when the next group of letters is going to show up, but if there is one thing I am learning from all this it is to be patient. So when they come they come, and in the meantime I can be grateful for all the hard work he is doing. I am very blessed and in turn am very happy.

Some other things that have been going on... Yesterday I had my first MRI. Note to self- When a Doctor says "You need an MRI"... Run for the hills!!! That is definitely not something that I wanna do every again! I did two series which means 40 minutes of laying completely still in a tube. For those of you who have had an MRI you know what I am talking about. I think I said a thousand prayers and sang every primary/christmas song I could possibly think of. I had to have an MRI for my back because it has been giving me a lot of problems. I finally went and saw an Orthopedic Surgeon. He believes I have what is called a PARS Fracture. Basically it is a fracture in my lower spine which happens primarily in teens who play sports. I have had back problems since my freshman year in high school, so he called for an MRI so he could see if that was the cause of my pain. Now I am just waiting to hear the results. Of course I am hoping that the MRI comes back negative, but on the other hand it would be nice to finally have an answer. So that is pretty much the latest on that.

General Conference was this past weekend. I love General Conference. I always get so excited to hear what they are going to talk about. I was really touched by President Monson's first talk when he spoke about the need for more missionaries! That was incredibly powerful and gave me a lot of peace regarding my own decision to serve a mission as well as Benetton's decision to serve. Also a common theme I saw that I really enjoyed was the need to follow the rules and guidelines of the church. A lot of people feel that they are true restrictive or unnecessary, but the truth is they are there to help us and bless us. I loved the story of the "Stupid Cow" who broke out of the pasture and ate too much and died. They were not keeping the cow in the fence to make him miserable, but rather to protect him from the dangers outside the fence. I also enjoyed how the talk to parents of not being afraid to be "over-protective." They are there to protect us and lead us in the direction God wants us to go. I am so grateful for my parents and for their willingness to be parents. I can't imagine how hard it is sometimes to have to tell your kids no or to discipline them, but it is completely for our good and because they love us. Also it is a commandment for them to protect us and lead us in righteous paths. That is a heavy burden to carry and I am so impressed with how graciously my own parents have done it. Yes, I use to consider them strict, over-protective, and mean... but now I see all the good they did and could never thank them enough. I hope to be just like them some day! I love you Mom and Dad!

Last big news... I am now a BRUNETTE!! I am really really excited about it and love it so much :) I have never had brown hair before, but I have always wanted to give it a try. I finally got the courage to do it! Everyone seems to like it, and I have gotten a lot of comments about it looking more natural. It is always fun to try new things and switch it up :) I sent some pics to Ben and didn't say anything and this is what I got back....
Well i dont even know what to say.... I CANT BELIEVE YOU FINALLY DID IT!! haha but I REALLY lIke IT!! ITS REALLY DIFFERENT thats for sure and i think it will just take a little getting used to cause my love has always been blonde! but i really do like and if you like it that is all that matters baby!! i am glad you got my letters and are super happy!! its really really nice to see your sexy smiling face and i LOVE THE pictures!! they are really freakin SEXY and HOT!!! How did i find such an amazing girl like you honey!!!!!! I love you and i cant wait to hear that you got more of my letters!! I miss my baby and i cant wait to see and hear more of you!! Love your man and missionary for life! Benetton (Elder Hunt) XOXOXOXOXO I LOVE YOU!!!!

haha I guess that means that he likes it :) I knew it would be a bit of a shock to him, but I think he will get use to it :) My wonderful Sister in law Jill took some pics for me. She is AMAZING and has a true talent and love for photography :) Thanks Jill!