Monday, September 6, 2010


Happy Labor Day :)

It has been a really great weekend. Chris and Jill came down and brought my favorite two people in the world. We have had fun all weekend long between Ihop, Shopping, Bowling, Pirate Island Pizza, Pinochle, and tons of incredible but oh so fattening desserts thanks to Jill! It has been nice having a four day weekend because things have been crazy stressful the last couple weeks. I started school two weeks ago and I am BUSY BUSY BUSY all the time! I spend an average of ten hours at the college on Tuesdays, then have a half of day on Thursdays. It's nice having all my classes compacted into two days, but it makes for some pretty long days. then I work Monday, Wednesday and Friday all day long. Ha I wish I could say by the end of the week I fall into bed really early, but hey I am still a college student so going to bed before one on the weekends is not really an option! I have been attending an Mission Prep Institute class on Wednesday nights and totally LOVE IT! I feel like I learn so much every time I go, and the spirit is always really strong. I also was recently called to serve as a Primary teacher for the 5 year olds. I taught my first lesson yesterday and had a lot of fun :) The kids are so adorable and I already love each and every one of them. They are so smart too! Yesterday one of the boys read a scripture all by himself and just like a normal kid. I was shocked! I feel so lucky and blessed to be able to teach these kids, and have the opportunity to listen to them sing. I have never felt the spirit as strong as I do every time I hear them sing!

Benetton is doing good. He is beginning to adjust very well to the culture and is past the initial shock. Contrary to what we expected, he actually really is enjoying the food and gets to eat pretty normal stuff most the time, which is definitely a blessing for him considering how picky he is. I am missing him a lot lately. I feel like it has been FOREVER since I saw him and that we should at least be closing in on six months! Sad part is we have not even hit the three months mark. I decided it would be best to follow the rules and not email him. If you are wondering, yes it sucks! Its hard not being able to hear from him instantly, but I know it is the right thing to do and I am willing to make the sacrifice, if it means God will bless us in the end.

I am really looking forward to taking a little vacation next week to Texas! I don't know why but I have always wanted to go there. We are going to go to the Houston Temple, and visit some of the sites! I wish I could stay longer then four days, but I guess that's the downer about having to go to school and having a job. But it will be a nice get a way from all the stress of every day life!

1 comment:

  1. Wow you are very strong for not writing ben on p day! Major props to ya! It really will bless you and especially Ben! Craig and I sadly didn not follow that rule, but obviously by following even the smallest rules you and him will be blessed!! :)
